Sunday, February 14, 2010

Xbee and Pic Board Design for PCB layout


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My Final Project....

Wireless Electrical Switching Control System is a product that can be used for many types of customer which is for home user, an organization or a factory and institution. This project is actually a combination of software and hardware in electrical and electronic field. Nowadays, there is an enhancement of technology. As we can see, there is a wireless system which is be implement to cut the cost, man power and etc. In a big industry or organization, we can see that they have a big building with many levels for examples 20 levels. In this building there are many electrical devices to be control such as lamps, air conditions, fans and more.

Wireless Electrical Switching Control System is a solution which is to make human life’s easier. As we can see, to control all of the electrical and electronic devices, we need to manually control it. But with this product, many costs can be reduced. For example, in a big factory, we can see that many lamps, many machine and more to be controlled. Control here means that to turn on and off the devices. Imagine that there is so many equipment need to be control, hazard and dangerous can happen. So, with our product we produce a solution to overcome this error. Our project is a controller which is be conduct with a server using only a Computer. In the computer, there is an interfacing that shows all of the devices that appear to be on or off. By monitor it at the server, human don’t need to manually control it but only dealing with the PC. So there is a wireless system that we used it technology....

quoted from

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My firt time blogging (~_^)

Hi there...Assalamualaikum everyone ;)... Im a new boy around the corner ... My name's Mohd Azrein b.Abu Seman...people use to call me Yen or Rein...i'm turning 24th this September 2010.. juz created this blog as a learning channel to improve my nertworking skills... right now i'm a engineering student and bravely involve myself in engineering field even I'm not interested at all... people say that if u don't like it ..don't do it....because u might fail...i think i can change that statement.... even if u don't interest on something...u can force yourself to put an effort for it..for a prove...i really got no basic in engineering but i did manage to get my diploma successfully in Engineering Computing... it really stress u up when doing things that u didn't like... but if u consider its as a game or challenge..u definitely can do it...just take a challenge as your game... enjoy a single time in learning session... always think that....if she/he can..why am i can???? right... its not about a talent..its about passion n do change that statement here ;)... u can do the things that out of Ur possession...n right now i'm furthering my stdy on the other field which is also engineering part but on electronic engineering n alhamdulillah steadily at last semester of the education which is in semester 8... Basically i juz wanna share my life with u guys.... bad or good.... if u are jury... don't be shy to judge me ....juz to share oppinion and who knows it could face the incoming problems in the future... ... so whoever did view this blog don't be shy to leave ur comment or sharing somethings ... sharing is caring... ;) k..gudluck Assalamualaikum again....